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Thursday, 29 July 2021 Time-11:43:06



Editorial and peer-review process:

All the papers submitted will undergo a peer-review process:


Preliminary review by the Editorial Board checking the formal requirements and fitness to Journal scope


Sending the paper to one or more peer-reviewers with expertise in the paper's area.


Waiting for reviewers' comments which may include confidential comments to the editor (including reviewer's opinion on paper acceptance), and reviewer's comments to be reported to the authors.


Based on reviewers' comments, but also in Editorial Board opinion on relevance and innovation, a decision is made: accepted, accepted with minor modifications, major modifications needed, or rejection.  


Decision is communicated to the authors. If minor or major modifications are needed, a fix period is allowed to correct the paper and re-submit it. When decision was 'major modifications needed', paper should undergo a new peer-review process.


After accepting a paper, it should be formatted to the typical Journal layout. Galley proofs are sent to the authors to check them for errors.